524: 無しに人種はない@実況OK・\(^o^)/ 2016/09/23(金) 02:01:10.10 ID:RMn3S2KQ0



⇒Arsène Wenger: 20 years at Arsenal – an incredible journey of joy and frustration(TheGuardian)
Ray Parlour tells stories with enormous warmth that show another side to the man who can often appear reserved in front of the post-match TV camera.

What the majority do not see is the personal side of Wenger, and the qualities that have kept him in the same job for so long. His keen intellect, his sense of trust in those around him (sometimes arguably too much trust), his dedication and his humour all make the man. He is very funny and has no problems laughing at himself. “He is such a clever man with such a knack at understanding people. But he could also be a walking disaster,” said Parlour. “He would do something accidentally every day.” He could get tangled up in the nets, drop the pudding off his plate without noticing, or join in a squad relaxation technique but lie with his legs up against a partition wall rather than a solid one and roll straight through it.


引用元: 【Gunners】 Arsenal F.C.【part1073】
